Our tailor made solutions For starting your school or Improving your school (ideas to develop the school) is arrived at after doing a detailed study of your past milestones, understanding your future goals, getting in depth knowledge of the market you operate
Turnkey solutions: Our team is equipped to work on providing an end to end solution making us a one stop shop for all your school requirements.
Specific assignments: We will be glad to assist you with specific advice / solutions (school management consultancy services) tailor made to suit your needs
Our team arrives at a comprehensive solution based on our experience with a step by step implementation process within defined timeframes.
We phase the actionable into critical, important, should be done while phasing them into immediate, in the near term, in a planned term.
Our team experienced in dealing with the various variables impacting a good school, will table a solution accordingly. Our varied experience across geographies & various verticals of education make the solution arrived at comprehensive, easy to execute within defined timeframes.
Step 1 is to know you better
Our team works towards understanding you better. We will make a detailed note of your achievements and understand the expectation you have from our
engagement. Our team then gets down to doing an in depth research of the geography your project is located in followed by interviews with all the
stakeholders involved in the project.
Step 2 is to do an expectation match and arrive at a plan
Our team then tables our understanding of the scope of work and phases out the variables to be addressed with defined timelines.
Our team has vast experience of setting up of schools right from project planning, land short listing, feasibility studies, business plan, project management,
legal advice, financial structuring human resources, marketing, affiliation advisory and more.
Step 3 is to tailor make the solution to match agreed expectation and work on implementation
Our team finally tailor makes the final solution to meet your corporate or not for profit objectives.
Step 4 is to document a proposal
We will then document a proposal spelling out the scope and responsibilities of the work agreed upon for either side.
Step 5 is to operate and manage the agreed plan
Our team of experts will operate the agreed plan within defined timeframes and bring your school management on board by handholding them through the new phase
of the project.
Approaches to Suit your requirement
Turnkey solutions: Our team is equipped to work on providing an end to end solution making us a one stop shop for all your school requirements.
From the time an organization / promoter plans to launch the school till students walk in on the 1st day of operations , a school goes through phases of planning – development – launch and may require well over 2 years.
Planning involves: Business & Finance | Statutory & Regulatory | Infrastructure | Academics | Marketing | Operations | Technology
Development involves: Pre-construction | Design | Project management | School supplies management | Creating a Brand | Marketing plan I Recruitment
Launch involves: School Administration | Infrastructure management | Staff appointment & training | Parent engagement | Student engagement I Teaching & learning
Specific assignments: We will be glad to assist you with specific advice / solutions tailor made to suit your needs.
Retainer / Consultation: If your requirement is only of advice our team can work with you on specified timeframes or fixed number of days to coach your leadership team. We do specific guidance on focused requirements while making ourselves available for discussion of ideas. We can guide your team and oversee the implementation of outcomes decided.
The process normally involves:
Just Email us your inquiry
Our team of experts will connect with you for a telecom. We will then seek more information about your requirement in a formatted manner. And then follow Working steps mentioned above